Hello Chums and welcome to Day 4 of the British Invasion. So today was my first day at the Ogilvy London West office and tomorrow I'm heading out to Canary Warf to visit the Digital Lab at Oglivy London East. It was pretty cool seeing how different the London office is compared to ours in Atlanta. It was very wide open and EVERYTHING is white which is pretty cool, I guess. Here's a couple picts of the office:

No just kidding, that's Buckingham Palace, here's the office:

After work, I took a walk down Oxford and Bond Streets before picking up a sandwich to eat back in the room. Can't wait to see Canary Warf tomorrow, I've seen it in many Dr. Who episodes (I KNOW).
Anyway, as I said last post I went to Buckingham palace last night which was pretty cool. Last time I was here I was just able to see it from a distance. After that I went to the original Hard Rock Cafe where I had the picture I'll leave you with. Til Tomorrow. BTW, I'm adding some more pictures over on Facebook so if you haven't seen any of them yet, head back to:
http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/fans-of-studiograss/308930455802?ref=tsand click on the British Invasion 2010 album
And here's the pict from HRC:
How cute! That is a supr looking office building! Can't wait to see the pics tomorrow. Feel like I'm right there. Be safe!
There was a problem getting to this blog. You have it listed as blog #4, but it's listed as #5 for the link. When I clicked on that, the message said there was no such place. Then, when I went to yesterday's blog, I found #4. I know this is confusing...
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